Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Post(Card)-A-Day 29: Wrapping It All Up - ITAM In Review


- Sent from Erika No. 9


  1. It was a great month, and always a joy to read them in the morning. So many topics and ideas - it was amazing!
    I seem to have received one of those letters, what a surprise! I haven't yet found time to write back, though.
    See you in sunny march - wait, that starts tomorrow! :)

  2. What?!?! No more daily posts? Just kidding.
    Great work. I've enjoyed each of your posts and I am very pleased you reached your goal and were able to make so many posts. It is always a pleasure to read your blog. Now how does that children's poem go...When March breezes blow.....

    Great work Adwoa. Thanks.

  3. Thank you for brightening my day, each and every day, making me think and making me type!

  4. Bravo, you made it to the finish line!

  5. What a great wrap-up and kudos for breaking so many personal records!

  6. I looked forward to the posts every day during this difficult month. Thanks for getting my mind off things for a few minutes per day.

  7. I don't often comment (not having much to say) but the chance to avoid Captcha is too great to resist. Your cogent, sensitive observations, together with your excellent photographs (They're too good to call 'em "pics".) make my day every time I get to read one. And now you have spoiled us with the every-day pace! Well, you should know that from our point of view, all your hard work is worth it. Good work---keep it up.
    == Michael Höhne

    1. Michael, great to hear from you again. I have been thinking through a post on copyright (which I shall put up tomorrow), so I re-read your insightful comments on my January 2011 typecast about the copyright of typewriter manuals. And I was wondering where you had gone off to, so I am glad to know you are still reading :)

    2. Oh, yes, still reading. In addition to all the typing machines, I like to experience Switzerland with you and your friends. Always cheery. Uh, thanks for stirring the copyright pot again ... I think. Where I've gone off to? Still right here in Maine (the northernmost state in the contiguous US), enjoying the mild winter and carousing the world through this screen. I get a kick out of your Feedjit gizmo. I really should send a card, eh?
      == Michael

  8. Thanks so much for a very fun month of reading, information, and just plain fun. You made my month!

    1. Thank you so much for reading along, Ledeaux! I hope you will return even with the reduced posting frequency :)

  9. In honor of the conclusion of ITAM, I've dropped the comment restriction from Clickthing. We'll see what happens.

    Really enjoyed the daily walk through your postcard collection... and Switzerland! Now that you've formed the habit, all you have to do is come back to it in November and write a novel with the rest of us nuts. :-)

    1. I'm not ruling out NaNo, Clemens, thanks to your fine influence! We shall see what happens this year. Unfortunately, I may not be able to do it via typewriter - I would avoid defenestration (of myself and my collection!) and I think J could not live through a month of me filling his quiet evenings with furious clacking.

  10. Bravo! You have achieved an amazing milestone (:
    I will in fact, get one last post in before ITAM ends :D

  11. A brilliant effort, Adwoa! I don't want to say 'keep it up' because you may be sick of staring at platens and carriage return levers for a while.

    1. One would think so, teeritz, but I am finding I still want to type! I shall try to take advantage of this productive spell while it lasts; I am sure it will taper off soon enough.

  12. I have tried to post replies to you several times, but my puter seems not to want me to do so - it crashes and I get the blue screen of death. (Hope 'death' isn't a censored blog word). Had it not crashed yesterday, I would indeed have been the very first to congratulate you on your sterling effort over the past month (and in the past). I've enjoyed your adventures into and explorations of typewriterdom and it's been great fun to follow you (of course not in a stalking kind of way, let me get that straight here and now).
    As for myself - well it happens to be a complete coincidence that my own collecting has ramped up over the past month (actually I've acquired ten machines over the last month and no I'm not at the hoarding stage of collecting. Maybe it's something in the water? Today I hauled home a Voss "smiley face" ST 24 with the famous "sea gull wings" (made 1950 if the interweb is to be trusted). I don't think I will be spray painting this one either. I'm dying to open it up with s screwdriver and really clean out all that oily hair, dust and dander, but I'm not mechanically minded so perhaps better not. But I don't like that bell sounding like a death beetle at the end of ever line (hope "death beetle" isn't a censored blog word).
    Anyhow you've inspired me to possibly start my own blog, but as you can see from the above I have nothing much to say and I agree somewhat with Striketrough when she talks about putting free content on the inter-tubes.

    1. I would be very glad to see you join the typosphere, brothernagoya! It sounds like you have many interesting typewriters and I would love to see them. (I am especially jealous of your working Voss!) It is always interesting reading about others' experiences with their collections, and you are right, more free content on the inter-tubes is a great thing.

      I am sorry to hear about your computer troubles and hope you can get them resolved before starting up your blog; it will come in handy then!

  13. Your output in February was totally impressive -- something to aspire to!

    But my readers would probably expire in shock if *I* were to post every day as you did so well! ;-)

    This is the second time TODAY that a fellow blogger has suggested turning off word verification for comments. I think you're right; it won't make much difference in spam and it will certainly be easier for readers to leave comments. I really find that captcha stuff annoying.

    I'm heading over to my blog to turn it off right now.

    Thank you again for a very entertaining month, Adwoa!

    1. Cameron, I agree that I thought my readers would be overwhelmed by the frequency of my posts as well! However, it seemed at least a couple of people read every single post, and so I think it worked out quite well. Also, I did my best to keep it short when I could (which I didn't often manage, but I tried!). That said, I will be posting my longest-ever typecast this weekend, and I am hoping it will go over well :)

      Thanks for turning off captcha! I have not received a single spam comment since doing it two weeks ago.

  14. Wow, looks like I missed a lot, but congratulations on meeting your goal! Great font on that Erica.


Thanks for your comment! Please note that comments are moderated; so this will be posted as soon as I have read it :)

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