Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Elements of Type Styles: A Collection

Typewriter-themed mail art!

The cast of characters, from the top of the roll call:
  1. Olivetti Lettera 35 (Pica)
  2. Rheinmetall KST (Script)
  3. Hermes 3000 (Epoca)
  4. Swissa Junior (Bulletin/ Display, not yet featured)
  5. Hermes Baby (Elite)
  6. Hermes 3000 (Director Pica)
  7. Scheidegger Princess-Matic (Congress Pica)
  8. Adler Tippa S (Continental Elite)
  9. Olympia SF (Script, typestyle 69)
  10. Adler Tippa (Script)
  11. Adler Tippa S (Techno)
  12. Swissa Junior (Techno)
  13. Hermes Media 3 (Pica - same style of machine as in the link, but different typeface)


  1. Those are some nice looking typefaces. I also really like the envelope with the typewriter ribbon drawn on it.

  2. Thanks for posting this! Quite useful. I must start to look for some machines with script typeface (I have none, despite my ever-growing collection!) - I just love the variantion on that theme from your Rheinmetall KST...

  3. Yes, quite the artiste on that drawn typewriter ribbon...I can almost see the black and red in it:)

  4. Wonderful sampling of typefaces (and ribbon colors and densities)!

  5. Wow, lots of diversity in the typefaces (and the ribbon colors, have you ever said where you get those ribbons? Did I miss that? Someone had a brown ribbon at the Snohomish type-in and it was fabulous).

    I think my favorite is the Adler Tippa 1. Amazing.

  6. Very cute title...made me smile!

    Amazing assortment! For my own general use I always end up coming back to boring old pica (I really love Olivetti's pica), but it sure is fun seeing others! And you *must* tell us more about these colored ribbons.

    The brown ribbon on that typewriter at the Snohomish type-in was sooo cool!

  7. LFP - I was hoping a fellow Strunk & White fan would notice the title :)

    Besides basic black, there are three other colors shown in the roll call: green (Rheinmetall KST), blue (Adler Tippa S), and purple (Adler Tippa 1). Now I wish I'd flicked the lever on one of these machines and written in red as well!

    Anyway, there are no interesting stories, I'm afraid. I too wish I knew where to find these ribbons! A certain Mr. Vieira has promised to scour the stationery shops of Portugal for new old stock.

    The green ribbon came with the Rheinmetall (and the seller kept assuring me I could easily swap it out with black, as if!) Likewise, the blue ribbon was already on the Tippa when I bought it. Both of these colors have been sparingly used, and when they fade to illegibility I will resort to enliven them by any means necessary... including the WD-40 trick. The purple ribbon was a lucky find on eBay France and I wrote a post about it last month:

    LFP and Strikethru - if you're interested in colored ribbons, you could try dropping Richard Polt a note. I think he mentioned that the Spitzfaden's stationery store in his neighborhood still has old stocks; he might be able to pick some up for you.

  8. Fantastic - I love it. Typeface is an important consideration in typewriter purchase(s). I think you need some Remington action!

  9. Don't worry Adwoa, you will receive a first parcel soon (not yet with blue ribbons, but interesting nevertheless)...

  10. Rino - You're right, I don't have any Remingtons... yet! I don't think they made any really great ultra-portables, and their "flagship" models, the Quiet-Riter and its brethren, are a bit too large for my small apartment. Maybe one day.

    Ruy - Sounds promising :)


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