Saturday, December 3, 2011

Typewriter Sightings: Making The Usual Rounds

The first sighting last week was this rather unappealing Hermes 3000...

Which was followed by an almost identical one (except this was a Media 3)...

And yet another, a few feet away. It was really quite odd! But there were a couple of other machines too...

A '40s Hermes Baby with French AZERTY keyboard,

This beautifully-bulbous Remington Quiet-Riter,

And just when we thought we'd seen everything, this Underwood standard with an extra-long carriage.

This Erika 5 Tab has just appeared at a local thrift store, and seems to be in rather nice shape. Pity I have a couple of Erikas already, one of which is almost identical.

This week, we came upon this absolutely gorgeous Triumph, with an international QWERTY keyboard. I keep peering at the type slugs to see if an unusual typeface will give me a good excuse to make a purchase, but this was ordinary pica. Sigh. Hopefully it will still be there next week?

The same seller was offering this Mignon Index Typewriter, with a print-out from Richard's site (translated into French) rolled around the platen to demonstrate the value of the machine. How amusing!

The other thrift store in town had a couple of machines I'd already seen, and this was the newcomer: a Triumph Tippa with techno pica typeface.

And... that just about wraps things up. Now we'll just have to wait and see what shows up next Saturday :)


  1. I still find it surreal to see things like that printout from my site. Basically, the Internet is magic.

    Good Fraktur typing!

  2. I would never get tired of that typeface!
    Also I like the looks of the Mignon

  3. Very nice typeface! I really like it. Those machines are nice. I'd be broke if I lived in Geneva. Then I could also end up homeless since there would be no room left for me in the house if it was filled with typewriters!
    Great post.

  4. This is redundant but I am bewitched by that typeface!

    Also, the yellow Erika brand name design/typeface is so cool! How amusing that the Erika is just ho-hum for you, goes to show that you really are in the typewriter capital of the world. Cheers!

  5. It's very interesting to see how your syntax changes when you write on with the Fractur typewriter -- it's almost like you are channeling some other being!

    Your wonderful pictures of typewriters that you do NOT buy reminds me that I need to take my camera with me to EVERY thrift store from now on, to document the ones that I passed up. (This is a new experience for me, to pass them up...)

    I just spent the week in Modesto, a farm town down in the Central Valley of California playing symphonic Christmas Pops music, and went to several thrift stores and estate sales where I came across quite a few typewriters. ALL overpriced, in every imaginable condition from totally useless to just "okay".

    I wish I had my camera. $49 for a Smith Corona Classic 12? I don't THINK so!!!!!

  6. Oooh, that's a pretty Triumph! You are strong in the Force to be able to pass that one up (:

  7. Even though they lack the charm of other typewriters, I have really come to appreciate the Remington Quiet-Riter series of typewriters. They have a nice touch and the platen rubber really lasts a long time. All of the Quiet-Riters I have in my classroom still have very soft platens. They are magical machines.


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