Sunday, August 28, 2011

Musings on a Sunday morning

So, a few links to the pages mentioned: Exchange Corner, Visual Typewriter Catalog, Typewriter Index

Sunday morning - the best time to get in some quality typewriter refurbishing time!


  1. Ok, I must know: what is the blue laminated sheet you are using behind the paper when you type?

  2. Adwoa, the secretary looks nice on the photo. And with that black and the column, it reminds me of a tunnel portal, maybe it's where the good ideas come from... ;)

    @Ted: My thought was "Carbon paper".

  3. Oh, I forgot to say that I like your new Favicon.

  4. @Ted - That's just a plastic folder; the theory being that it helps to deaden the sound a bit. With all the fossilized platens around here, we're always coming up with creative workarounds!

    @maschinengeschreiben: Thanks for noticing the favicon :) I liked the image and thought it deserved some more visibility... I don't know that anyone who sees this without seeing the original post will realize it's not a real Swiss flag!

  5. hmm I have a couple of script typers that might be trade bait, or perhaps some mid-century American iron?

  6. cool, how did you add/change the favicon? in the html?

  7. @Rino: Just go to Design and you should see the option under the Page Elements tab. No messing with html required :) Here's a link with more information:

    If you can't see it after you change, try clearing cookies on your browser.

  8. That's odd, I wasn't seeing the favicon in chrome but I do in Firefox. cool though.

  9. Ah, cool idea to give the typewriter brains some air to breath! (last photo) The Maritsa sends warm regards, she is doing fine! Looking in the crystal ball, I see one more all-Swiss typosphere meeting coming up in September or October.

  10. cool new feature - thanks for the how-to!

  11. Blogger favicons are grrrreat, love 'em - can take a while to stick, rino. Adwoa, your Hermes are well and truly pampered. I admire your discipline, though naturally envious of your brace of 3Ks.


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