Saturday, July 30, 2011

Report on the First Virtual International Type-In


  1. It was fun seeing you face-to-face (er, webcam-to-webcam) even with the spotty connection. We'll just have to keep trying, but it was truly a historic day in the Typosphere!

  2. Adwoa, sorry that I missed you. I think you dropped off before I arrived. Kind of had a trying morning, and got there pretty late!

  3. That sounds cool. I don't have Google+ and don?t want to give Google more of my data, but this really teased me to join it... How many typospherians typed in?

  4. Virtually, it was just two: Adwoa and myself. The cafe where the Seattle folks were situated did not have wifi, so I think the laptops were connected via some kind of cell-phone-wifi bridge. Adwoa and I could see one another clearly, being on dedicated lines, but at least for me, the Washington side was a little hard to see.

    Now think about all the technology involved to make this happen, just so we could watch a hundred-year-old typewriter being passed around. Despite technical difficulties, this was a fun first try.

  5. You guys have to let me know about the second try, this sounds like too much fun to miss!

  6. We had an interesting discussion of how infrastructure-dependent the modern tools are as compared to, say, typewriters. We all enjoyed se3eing your faces and waving at you.

  7. It was a very good first try, and the resulting excitement among participants is an excellent indicator that this needs to happen more often! There were only a couple of virtual log-ins: mpclemens and myself. However, as more people sign in to Google Plus (and manage to stay awake for the proceedings!), it will hopefully expand. I should also say that we have been having interesting discussions about typewriters over at G+ - it is THE social network of the typosphere. (I don't use it for anything else myself; that's why I have facebook.)

  8. I saw you for just a couple of seconds but I don't know how the view was on your end. Thanks for stopping by.

  9. Sorry I missed it - was visiting away from home and without a connection.

  10. Sorry that I had not heard of this before today. Sounds like great fun. Especially since I just got my Hermes Rocket back from the shop with a restored platen!

  11. Hello David - Nice to meet you! Be sure to keep up with; that is where all news and events in the typosphere are posted.


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