Saturday, August 24, 2013

Typecast: Trash to Treasure

Here's what it looks like all opened up - looking on eBay, I see this style is also referred to as an accordion sewing box, which makes sense! Since it was empty when I found it, I am looking forward to filling it up with all the sewing clutter crowding my secretary desk. I hope it will last a good while!


  1. Those sewing boxes are a design classic, Adwoa. And very handy for stuff other than sewing, too. Nice find.
    And now you got me wondering about Russian Earl Grey. I saw some at the supermarket a few weeks ago, but I'm so loyal to regular Earl Grey that I didn't buy the Russian blend. May just have to give it try.

    1. Thanks, teeritz! You are right, this would make a lovely little box for storing all sorts of things - even for typewriter enthusiasts! Spare ribbons, cotton buds, toothpicks for typeslug cleaning, etc...

      If you like Earl Grey, as I do, you will be pleasantly surprised by the Russian version. Great aroma and flavor. Much better than Lady Grey, another variation I tried once (from Twinings) and was less than impressed by.

    2. Lady Grey tastes like water. Twinings shouldn't have bothered. Now, I just have to get hold of some Russian Earl Grey.

  2. Nice find, Adwoa. I've hit a bit of a typing slump, hopefully I'll get the motivation, as you did, soon. Thanks for posting!

    1. I get in typing slumps quite often, Vikram! Nothing to worry about - after the initial heady rush of being a newbie, everyone's pace slows. I think. Except Oz Typewriter - he's just picking up speed with each passing day :)

  3. First time for me to see an accordion sewing box. Ingenious.

    1. Isn't it? Glad I could show you something new. This one's seen better days, but I plan to squeeze a bit more life out of her.

  4. What a great find! And still in such good shape. Why would anyone trow it away that easily?

  5. I have one of those sewing boxes in my shed, awaiting repair. They're great! And I'm all for salvaging the old, rather than just buying new.

  6. Big proponent of recycling good, useable things, and that basket is an excellent Basket of Holding. May you get many more years of use from it :D


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